Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.transport.test_report

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pytest
from pytest import mark, param

from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.model.transport import build
from import configure_legacy_reporting
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import (
from import prepare_reporter, sim
from message_ix_models.testing import GHA

    import message_ix

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail( reason="Requires variables in .report.legacy.default_tables that have not been " "migrated from message_data" ) def test_configure_legacy(): from import TECHS config = deepcopy(TECHS) configure_legacy_reporting(config) # Number of technologies in data/transport/technology.yaml using the given commodity # as input, thus expected to be added to the respective legacy reporting sets expected = { "trp back": 0, "trp coal": 1, "trp elec": 7, "trp eth": 5, "trp foil": 1, "trp gas": 7, "trp h2": 4, "trp loil": 17, "trp meth": 5, } # Resulting lists have the expected length, or are unaltered for k, v in config.items(): assert expected.get(k, 0) + len(TECHS[k]) == len(v), k
[docs] @MARK[7] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regions, years", ( param("R11", "A", marks=make_mark[2](ValueError)), param("R12", "B", marks=MARK["gh-281"]), param("R14", "A", marks=MARK[9]), param("ISR", "A", marks=MARK[3]), ), ) def test_report_bare_solved(request, test_context, tmp_path, regions, years): """Run MESSAGEix-Transport–specific reporting.""" from import callback from import Config # Update configuration # key = "transport all" # All including plots, etc. key = "transport::iamc+all" # IAMC-structured data stored and written to file test_context.update( regions=regions, years=years, report=Config("global.yaml", key=key, output_dir=tmp_path), ) # Built and (optionally) solved scenario. dummy supply data is necessary for the # scenario to be feasible without any other contents. scenario = built_transport( request, test_context, options=dict(dummy_supply=True), solved=True ) # commented: for debugging # dump_path = tmp_path / "scenario.xlsx" #"Dump contents to {dump_path}") # scenario.to_excel(dump_path) rep, key = prepare_reporter(test_context, scenario) # Reporting `key` succeeds rep.get(key)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def quiet_genno(caplog): """Quiet some log messages from genno via by :func:`.reporting.prepare_reporter`.""" caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="genno.config") caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="genno.compat.pyam")
[docs] @MARK[7] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @mark.usefixtures("quiet_genno") def test_simulated_solution(request, test_context, regions="R12", years="B"): """:func:`` works on the simulated data.""" test_context.update(regions=regions, years=years) rep = simulated_solution(request, test_context) # A quantity for a MESSAGEix variable was added and can be retrieved k = rep.full_key("ACT") rep.get(k) # A quantity for MESSAGEix can be computed k = rep.full_key("out") rep.get(k) # A quantity for message_data.model.transport can be computed k = "transport stock::iamc" result = rep.get(k) assert 0 < len(result)
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @mark.usefixtures("quiet_genno") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "plot_name", # # All plots # list(PLOTS.keys()), # Only a subset [ # "energy-by-cmdty", "stock-ldv", # "stock-non-ldv", ], ) def test_plot_simulated(request, test_context, plot_name, regions="R12", years="B"): """Plots are generated correctly using simulated data.""" test_context.update(regions=regions, years=years) log.debug(f"test_plot_simulated: {test_context.regions = }") rep = simulated_solution(request, test_context) # print(rep.describe(f"plot {plot_name}")) # DEBUG # Succeeds rep.get(f"plot {plot_name}")
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail(condition=GHA, reason="Temporary, for #213; fails on GitHub Actions") @sim.to_simulate.minimum_version def test_iamc_simulated( request, tmp_path_factory, test_context, regions="R12", years="B" ) -> None: test_context.update(regions=regions, years=years) = test_context.get_local_path() rep = simulated_solution(request, test_context) # Key collecting both file output/scenario update # NB the trailing colons are necessary because of how genno handles report.yaml rep.add( "test", [ "transport::iamc+file", "transport::iamc+store", # DEBUG Other keys: # "emi:nl-t-yv-ya-m-e-h:transport", ], ) # print(rep.describe("test")) # DEBUG result = rep.get("test") # print(result[-1]) # DEBUG s: "message_ix.Scenario" = rep.get("scenario") # File with output was created path = tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp().joinpath( "data0", ScenarioInfo(s).path, "transport.csv" ) assert path.exists(), path # Retrieve time series data stored on the scenario object ts = s.timeseries() # print(ts, ts["variable"].unique(), sep="\n") # DEBUG # The reported data was stored on the scenario, and has expected variable names # print("\n".join(sorted(ts["variable"].unique()))) # DEBUG assert { "Energy Service|Transportation|Domestic Aviation", "Final Energy|Transportation|Bus", "Transport|Stock|Road|Passenger|LDV|BEV", } <= set(ts["variable"].unique()) del result