import logging
from import Mapping
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from iam_units import registry
from pytest import param
from message_ix_models.model.transport import build, testing
from message_ix_models.model.transport.ldv import TARGET, constraint_data
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import assert_units
from message_ix_models.project.navigate import T35_POLICY
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy_LDV", [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("years", ["A", "B"])
param("ISR", marks=testing.MARK[3]),
pytest.param("R14", marks=testing.MARK[9]),
def test_get_ldv_data(tmp_path, test_context, dummy_LDV, regions, years) -> None:
# Info about the corresponding RES
ctx = test_context
# Prepare a Computer for LDV data calculations
c, info = testing.configure_build(
options={"dummy_LDV": dummy_LDV, "navigate_scenario": T35_POLICY.TEC},
# Key to compute LDV data
key = TARGET
# Earlier keys in the process, for debugging
# key = "ldv fuel economy:n-t-y:exo"
# key = "ldv efficiency:n-t-y"
# key = "transport input factor:t-y"
# key = "ldv efficiency:n-t-y:adj"
# print(c.describe(key)) # DEBUG
# Method runs without error
data = c.get(key)
# print(data) # DEBUG
# print(data.to_series().to_string()) # DEBUG
# Data are returned for the following parameters
exp_pars = {
if not dummy_LDV:
exp_pars |= {
assert exp_pars == set(data.keys())
# Input data is returned and has the correct units
assert {"GW * a / Gv / km", "km", "-", "Gv km"} >= set(
# Output data is returned and has the correct units
# for k, df_group in data["output"].groupby("unit"):
# if k == "": # DEBUG Show data with particular units
# print(df_group.to_string())
assert {"Gp km", "Gv km", "Gv * km", "km", "-"} >= set(
if dummy_LDV:
return # Further tests don't apply if dummy data are used
# Data are generated for multiple year_act for each year_vtg of a particular tech
for name in "fix_cost", "input", "output":
tmp = data[name].query("technology == 'ELC_100' and year_vtg == 2050")
assert 1 < len(tmp["year_act"].unique()), tmp
# Output data is returned and has the correct units
for name in ("fix_cost", "inv_cost"):
assert_units(data[name], registry.Unit("USD_2010 / vehicle"))
# Expected number of nodes
N_node = len(info.N[1:])
# Historical periods from 1995 + all model periods
y_min = 1995
y_all = sorted(filter(lambda y: y_min <= y, info.set["year"]))
# Number of valid (yv, ya) combinations for vintaged technologies
def include(arg):
yv, ya = arg
return yv <= ya and info.y0 <= ya
N_y_vintaged = len(list(filter(include, product(y_all, y_all))))
# TODO Retrieve N_tech = 11 from info.set["technology"]
# Information about returned parameters
# TODO Include unit checks, above, in this collection
par_info: Mapping[str, tuple[bool, Optional[list[int]], int]] = {
"bound_new_capacity_lo": (False, [info.y0], 1),
"bound_new_capacity_up": (False, info.Y, 1),
"emission_factor": (True, None, 0),
"historical_new_capacity": (
list(filter(lambda y: y < info.y0, y_all))[1:],
"output": (False, y_all, 8), # NB 8 here is arbitrary
"var_cost": (False, info.Y, 1),
for par_name, df in sorted(data.items()):
# Expected values for this parameter: periods, number of technologies
skip, exp_y, N_t = par_info.get(par_name, (False, y_all, 11))
# print(par_name) # DEBUG
# No missing entries
assert not df.isna().any(axis=None), df.tostring()
if "year_vtg" not in df.columns:
# Data covers at least these periods
assert exp_y is None or set(exp_y) <= set(df["year_vtg"].unique()), par_name
if skip:
# Expected number of (yv, ya) combinations in the data
# Check for a vintaged parameter and technology
assert df.eval("year_act - year_vtg > 0").any(axis=None)
N_y = N_y_vintaged
except (pd.errors.UndefinedVariableError, AssertionError):
N_y = len(exp_y or [])
# Total length of data is at least the product of:
# - # of regions
# - # of technologies
# - # of periods
assert N_node * N_t * N_y <= len(df)
except AssertionError:
# # Show the data for debugging
# print(par_name, df.to_string(), sep="\n")
"regions, N_node_loc",
("R11", 11),
("R12", 12),
param("R14", 14, marks=testing.MARK[9]),
def test_ldv_capacity_factor(test_context, regions, N_node_loc, years="B"):
c, _ = testing.configure_build(test_context, regions=regions, years=years)
result = c.get("capacity_factor::LDV+ixmp")
assert {"capacity_factor"} == set(result)
df = result.pop("capacity_factor")
assert not df.isna().any(axis=None)
assert 1 == len(df["unit"].unique())
assert N_node_loc == len(df["node_loc"].unique())
"dummy_LDV, regions, years",
(True, "R11", "A"),
(False, "R11", "A"),
(False, "R11", "B"),
(False, "R12", "B"),
param(False, "R14", "A", marks=testing.MARK[9]),
# Not implemented
param(False, "ISR", "A", marks=testing.MARK[3]),
def test_ldv_constraint_data(test_context, dummy_LDV, regions, years):
# Info about the corresponding RES
ctx = test_context
_, info = testing.configure_build(
ctx, regions=regions, years=years, options={"dummy_LDV": dummy_LDV}
# Method runs without error
data = constraint_data(ctx)
# Data are returned for the following parameters
assert {
} == set(data.keys())
for bound in ("lo", "up"):
# Constraint data are returned. Use .pop() to exclude from the next assertions
df = data.pop(f"growth_activity_{bound}")
# Usage technologies are included
assert "ELC_100 usage by URLMM" in df["technology"].unique()
# Data covers all periods except the first
assert info.Y[1:] == sorted(df["year_act"].unique())