import pytest
from iam_units import registry
from message_ix import make_df
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from pandas.testing import assert_series_equal
from message_ix_models.model.transport import build, testing
from message_ix_models.model.transport.non_ldv import UNITS
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import assert_units
from message_ix_models.project.navigate import T35_POLICY
@pytest.mark.parametrize("years", ["A", "B"])
"regions, N_node",
("R11", 11),
("R12", 12),
pytest.param("R14", 14, marks=testing.MARK[9]),
pytest.param("ISR", 1, marks=testing.MARK[3]),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("options", [{}, dict(navigate_scenario=T35_POLICY.TEC)])
def test_get_ikarus_data(test_context, regions, N_node, years, options):
"""Test genno-based IKARUS data prep."""
ctx = test_context
c, info = testing.configure_build(
ctx, regions=regions, years=years, options=options
# commented: for a manual check that `options` have an effect
# print(c.get("nonldv efficiency:t-y:adj").to_series().to_string())
k = "transport nonldv::ixmp+ikarus"
# commented: for debugging
# print(k)
# print(c.describe(k))
# All calculations complete without error
data = c.get(k)
parameters = (
for name in parameters:
assert name in data
v = data[name]
# commented: for debugging
# print(name)
# print(v.head().to_string())
# print(f"{len(v) = }")
# No null keys or values
assert not v.isna().any(axis=None)
# Data have the expected units for the respective parameter
assert_units(v, registry(UNITS[name]))
# Data cover the entire model horizon
assert set(info.Y) <= set(v["year_vtg"].unique())
# Aviation technologies are present
assert "con_ar" in v["technology"].unique()
# Test a particular value in inv_cost
row = (
.query("technology == 'rail_pub' and year_vtg == 2020")
.iloc[0, :]
assert "GUSD_2010 / Gv / km" == row["unit"]
assert_allclose(23.689086, row["value"])
# Specific magnitudes of other values to check
# TODO use testing tools to make the following less verbose
par_name = "technical_lifetime"
defaults = dict(node_loc=info.N[-1], technology="ICG_bus", time="year")
checks = [
dict(year_vtg=2010, value=15.0), # values of 14.7 are rounded to 15.0
dict(year_vtg=2050, value=15.0), # values of 14.7 are rounded to 15.0
for check in checks:
# Create expected data
check["year_act"] = check["year_vtg"]
exp = make_df(par_name, **defaults, **check)
assert len(exp) == 1, "Single row for expected value"
# Use merge() to find data with matching column values
columns = sorted(set(exp.columns) - {"value", "unit"})
result = exp.merge(data[par_name], on=columns, how="inner")
# Single row matches
assert len(result) == 1, result
# Values match