Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.transport.test_demand

import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path

import genno
import pytest
from genno import ComputationError, Key
from genno.testing import assert_units
from pytest import param

from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from message_ix_models.model.transport import Config, build, demand, testing
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import MARK, make_mark
from message_ix_models.project.ssp import SSP_2017, SSP_2024

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("regions", ["R11", "R14", "ISR"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("years", ["A", "B"]) def test_demand_dummy(test_context, regions, years): """Consumer-group-specific commodities are generated.""" ctx = test_context ctx.model.regions = regions ctx.model.years = years config = Config.from_context(ctx) spec = config.spec args = ( spec.add.set["commodity"], spec.require.set["node"], get_codes(f"year/{years}"), # FIXME should be present in the spec {"transport": ctx.transport}, # Minimal config object ) # Returns empty dict without config flag set config.dummy_demand = False assert dict() == demand.dummy(*args) config.dummy_demand = True data = demand.dummy(*args) assert any(data["demand"]["commodity"] == "transport pax URLMM")
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ssp", [ pytest.param(SSP_2017["2"], marks=make_mark[2](genno.ComputationError)), SSP_2024["1"], SSP_2024["2"], SSP_2024["3"], SSP_2024["4"], SSP_2024["5"], ], ) def test_exo_pdt(test_context, ssp, regions="R12", years="B"): from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import assert_units c, info = testing.configure_build( test_context, regions=regions, years=years, options=dict(ssp=ssp) ) data = c.get("transport demand::ixmp") # data = c.get("demand::P+ixmp") # Returns a dict with a single key/data frame assert {"demand"} == set(data.keys()) # Data have common, expected units for _, group_df in data["demand"].groupby("unit"): try: assert_units(group_df, {"[passenger]": 1, "[length]": 1, "[time]": -1}) except AssertionError: continue else: df = group_df break # Passenger distance travelled is positive negative = df[df.value < 0] assert 0 == len(negative), f"Negative values in PDT:\n{negative.to_string()}" # Both LDV and non-LDV commodities are demanded assert {"transport pax RUEMF", "transport pax air"} < set(df["commodity"].unique()) # Demand covers the model horizon assert set(info.Y) == set(df["year"].unique()), ( "`demand` does not cover the model horizon", df, )
[docs] @MARK[7] @build.get_computer.minimum_version def test_exo_report(test_context, tmp_path): """Exogenous demand results can be plotted. Separated from the above because the plotting step is slow. """ c, info = testing.configure_build( test_context, tmp_path=tmp_path, regions="R12", years="B", options=dict(futures_scenario="debug"), ) # Total demand by mode key = Key("pdt", "nyt") # Graph structure can be visualized import dask from dask.optimization import cull dsk, deps = cull(c.graph, key) path = tmp_path / "demand-graph.pdf""Visualize compute graph at {path}") dask.visualize(dsk, filename=str(path)) # Plots can be generated c.add("demand plots", ["plot demand-exo", "plot demand-exo-capita"]) c.get("demand plots")
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regions", [ param("ISR", marks=MARK[3]), "R11", "R12", param("R14", marks=make_mark[2]((AttributeError, ComputationError))), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("years", ["B"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pop_scen", [SSP_2017["2"], SSP_2024["2"]]) def test_cg_shares(test_context, tmp_path, regions, years, pop_scen): options = dict(ssp=pop_scen) c, info = testing.configure_build( test_context, tmp_path=tmp_path, regions=regions, years=years, options=options ) key = Key("cg share", "n y cg".split()) result = c.get(key) # Data have the correct size exp = dict(n=len(info.set["node"]) - 1, y=len(info.set["year"]), cg=27) # NB as of genno 1.3.0, can't use .sizes on AttrSeries: # assert result.sizes == exp obs = {dim: len(result.coords[dim]) for dim in exp.keys()} assert exp == obs, result.coords # Data sum to 1 across the consumer_group dimension, i.e. constitute a discrete # distribution assert (result.sum("cg") - 1.0 < 1e-08).all()
DATA = """ n y value R11_AFR 2020 0 R11_AFR 2050 100 R11_AFR 2100 200 R11_WEU 2020 100 R11_WEU 2050 200 R11_WEU 2100 300 """
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version def test_pdt_per_capita( tmp_path, test_context, regions="R12", years="B", options=dict() ): """Test calculation of PDT per capita, as configured by :func:`.pdt_per_capita`. Moved from :mod:`.test_operator`. """ # TODO After #551, this is largely similar to test_exo and test_pdt; merge from message_ix_models.model.transport.key import pdt_cap c, info = testing.configure_build( test_context, tmp_path=tmp_path, regions=regions, years=years, options=options ) result = c.get(pdt_cap) # Data have the expected dimensions and shape assert {"n", "y"} == set(result.dims) assert (12, 29) == result.shape # Data have the expected units assert_units(result, "km / year")
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regions,years,pop_scen", [ pytest.param("R11", "A", "GEA mix", marks=MARK[4]), pytest.param("R11", "A", "GEA supply", marks=MARK[4]), pytest.param("R11", "A", "GEA eff", marks=MARK[4]), # Different years pytest.param("R11", "B", "GEA mix", marks=MARK[4]), # Different regions & years ("R12", "B", SSP_2024["2"]), ("R14", "B", SSP_2017["1"]), ("R14", "B", SSP_2017["2"]), ("R14", "B", SSP_2017["3"]), pytest.param("ISR", "B", SSP_2024["2"], marks=MARK[3]), ], ) def test_urban_rural_shares(test_context, tmp_path, regions, years, pop_scen): options = dict(ssp=pop_scen) c, info = testing.configure_build( test_context, tmp_path=tmp_path, regions=regions, years=years, options=options ) # Shares can be retrieved key = Key("population", "n y area_type".split()) result = c.get(key) assert set(key.dims) == set(result.dims) assert set(info.N[1:]) == set(result.coords["n"].values) assert set(info.Y) <= set(result.coords["y"].values) assert set(["UR+SU", "RU"]) == set(result.coords["area_type"].values)
[docs] @MARK[7] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "nodes, target", [ pytest.param("R11", "GEA mix", marks=MARK[4]), ("R12", "SSP2"), ("R12", "SSP5"), ("R14", "SSP2"), pytest.param("R14", "SSP5", marks=make_mark[2](RuntimeError)), pytest.param("R11", "SHAPE innovation", marks=MARK[4]), ], ) def test_cli(tmp_path, mix_models_cli, test_context, nodes, target): """Transport CLI can be used to generate build-phase debug outputs.""" # NB test_context is necessary so that the temporary, in-memory platform established # by .transport.workflow.generate() does not carry to other tests cmd = ["transport", "run", f"--nodes={nodes}", f"{target} debug build", "--go"] result = mix_models_cli.assert_exit_0(cmd) # Identify the path containing the outputs expr = re.compile(r"Save to (.*)\.pdf$", flags=re.MULTILINE) output_dir = Path( # Files created in the temporary path assert 6 <= len(list(output_dir.glob("*.csv"))) assert 3 <= len(list(output_dir.glob("*.pdf")))