Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.transport.test_build

import logging
from import Collection
from copy import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import genno
import ixmp
import pytest
from pytest import mark, param

from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from message_ix_models.model.transport import build, demand, report, structure
from message_ix_models.model.transport.ldv import TARGET
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import MARK, configure_build, make_mark
from message_ix_models.testing import bare_res
from message_ix_models.testing.check import (

    from message_ix_models.testing.check import Check
    from message_ix_models.types import KeyLike

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @pytest.fixture def N_node(request) -> int: """Expected number of nodes, by introspection of other parameter values.""" if "build_kw" in request.fixturenames: build_kw = request.getfixturevalue("build_kw") # NB This could also be done by len(.model.structure.get_codelist(…)), but hard- # coding is probably a little faster return {"ISR": 1, "R11": 11, "R12": 12, "R14": 14}[build_kw["regions"]] else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("years", [None, "A", "B"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regions_arg, regions_exp", [ ("R11", "R11"), ("R12", "R12"), ("R14", "R14"), ("ISR", "ISR"), ], ) def test_make_spec(regions_arg, regions_exp, years): # The spec can be generated spec = structure.make_spec(regions_arg) # The required elements of the "node" set match the configuration nodes = get_codes(f"node/{regions_exp}") expected = list(map(str, nodes[nodes.index("World")].child)) assert expected == spec["require"].set["node"]
[docs] @MARK[7] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regions, years, dummy_LDV, nonldv, solve", [ param("R11", "B", True, None, False, marks=MARK[1]), param( # 44s; 31 s with solve=False "R11", "A", True, None, True, marks=[ MARK[1], pytest.mark.xfail( raises=ixmp.ModelError, reason="No supply of non-LDV commodities w/o IKARUS data", ), ], ), param("R11", "A", False, "IKARUS", False, marks=MARK[1]), # 43 s param("R11", "A", False, "IKARUS", True, marks=[mark.slow, MARK[1]]), # 74 s # R11, B param("R11", "B", False, "IKARUS", False, marks=[mark.slow, MARK[1]]), param("R11", "B", False, "IKARUS", True, marks=[mark.slow, MARK[1]]), # R12, B param("R12", "B", False, "IKARUS", True, marks=MARK["gh-281"]), # R14, A param( "R14", "A", False, "IKARUS", False, marks=[mark.slow, make_mark[2](genno.ComputationError)], ), # Pending iiasa/message_data#190 param("ISR", "A", True, None, False, marks=MARK[3]), ], ) def test_build_bare_res( request, tmp_path, test_context, regions, years, dummy_LDV: bool, nonldv, solve ): """ works on the bare RES, and the model solves.""" # Generate the relevant bare RES ctx = test_context ctx.update(regions=regions, years=years) scenario = bare_res(request, ctx) # Build succeeds without error options = { "data source": {"non-LDV": nonldv}, "dummy_LDV": dummy_LDV, "dummy_supply": True, } build.main(ctx, scenario, options, fast=True) # dump_path = tmp_path / "scenario.xlsx" #"Dump contents to {dump_path}") # scenario.to_excel(dump_path) if solve: scenario.solve(solve_options=dict(lpmethod=4, iis=1))
# commented: Appears to be giving a false negative # # Use Reporting calculations to check the result # result = report.check(scenario) # assert result.all(), f"\n{result}"
[docs] @pytest.mark.ece_db @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url", ( "ixmp://ene-ixmp/CD_Links_SSP2_v2/baseline", "ixmp://ixmp-dev/ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7/EN_NPi2020_1000f", "ixmp://ixmp-dev/ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7/baseline", "ixmp://ixmp-dev/ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7_ar5_gwp100/EN_NPi2020_1000_emif_new", "ixmp://ixmp-dev/MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_R12_CHN/baseline#17", "ixmp://ixmp-dev/MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_R12_CHN/baseline_macro#3", # Local clones of the above # "ixmp://clone-2021-06-09/ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7/baseline", # "ixmp://clone-2021-06-09/ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7/EN_NPi2020_1000f", # "ixmp://local/MESSAGEix-Transport on ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7/baseline", ), ) def test_build_existing(tmp_path, test_context, url, solve=False): """Test that works on certain existing scenarios. These are the ones listed in the documenation, at :ref:`transport-base-scenarios`. """ ctx = test_context # Update the Context with the base scenario's `url` ctx.handle_cli_args(url=url) # Destination for built scenarios: uncomment one of # the platform prepared by the text fixture… ctx.dest_platform = copy(ctx.platform_info) # # or, a specific, named platform. # ctx.dest_platform = dict(name="local") # New model name for the destination scenario ctx.dest_scenario = copy(ctx.scenario_info) ctx.dest_scenario["model"] = f"{ctx.dest_scenario['model']} +transport" # Clone the base scenario to the test platform scenario = ctx.clone_to_dest(create=False) mp = scenario.platform # Build succeeds without error build.main(ctx, scenario, fast=True) # commented: slow # dump_path = tmp_path / "scenario.xlsx" #"Dump contents to {dump_path}") # scenario.to_excel(dump_path) if solve: scenario.solve(solve_options=dict(lpmethod=4)) # Use Reporting calculations to check the result result = report.check(scenario) assert result.all(), f"\n{result}" del mp
CHECKS: dict["KeyLike", Collection["Check"]] = { "broadcast:t-c-l:transport+input": (HasUnits("dimensionless"),), "broadcast:t-c-l:transport+output": ( HasUnits("dimensionless"), HasCoords({"commodity": ["transport F RAIL vehicle"]}), ), "output::F+ixmp": ( HasCoords( {"commodity": ["transport F RAIL vehicle", "transport F ROAD vehicle"]} ), ), "other::F+ixmp": (HasCoords({"technology": ["f rail electr"]}),), "transport F::ixmp": ( ContainsDataForParameters( {"capacity_factor", "input", "output", "technical_lifetime"} ), # HasCoords({"technology": ["f rail electr"]}), ), # # The following are intermediate checks formerly in .test_demand.test_exo "mode share:n-t-y:base": (HasUnits(""),), "mode share:n-t-y": (HasUnits(""),), "population:n-y": (HasUnits("Mpassenger"),), "cg share:n-y-cg": (HasUnits(""),), "GDP:n-y:PPP+capita": (HasUnits("kUSD / passenger / year"),), "GDP:n-y:PPP+capita+index": (HasUnits(""),), "votm:n-y": (HasUnits(""),), "PRICE_COMMODITY:n-c-y:transport+smooth": (HasUnits("USD / km"),), "cost:n-y-c-t": (HasUnits("USD / km"),), # These units are implied by the test of "transport pdt:*": # "transport pdt:n-y:total" [=] Mm / year demand.pdt_nyt + "1": (HasUnits("passenger km / year"),), demand.ldv_ny + "total": (HasUnits("Gp km / a"),), # FIXME Handle dimensionality instead of exact units # demand.ldv_nycg: (HasUnits({"[length]": 1, "[passenger]": 1, "[time]": -1}),), "pdt factor:n-y-t": (HasUnits(""),), # "fv factor:n-y": (HasUnits(""),), # Fails: this key no longer exists # "fv:n:advance": (HasUnits(""),), # Fails: only fuzzed data in message-ix-models demand.fv_cny: (HasUnits("Gt km"),), # # Exogenous demand calculation succeeds "transport demand::ixmp": ( # Data is returned for the demand parameter only ContainsDataForParameters({"demand"}), HasCoords({"level": ["useful"]}), # Certain labels are specifically excluded/dropped in the calculation HasCoords( {"commodity": ["transport pax ldv", "transport F WATER"]}, inverse=True ), # No negative values NonNegative(), # …plus default NoneMissing ), # # The following partly replicates .test_ldv.test_get_ldv_data() TARGET: ( ContainsDataForParameters( { "bound_new_capacity_lo", "bound_new_capacity_up", "capacity_factor", "emission_factor", "fix_cost", "growth_activity_lo", "growth_activity_up", "historical_new_capacity", "initial_activity_up", "input", "inv_cost", "output", "relation_activity", "technical_lifetime", "var_cost", } ), ), }
[docs] @build.get_computer.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize( "build_kw", ( dict(regions="R11", years="A"), dict(regions="R11", years="B"), dict(regions="R11", years="B", options=dict(futures_scenario="A---")), dict(regions="R11", years="B", options=dict(futures_scenario="debug")), dict(regions="R12", years="B"), dict(regions="R12", years="B", options=dict(navigate_scenario="act+ele+tec")), param(dict(regions="R14", years="B"), marks=MARK[9]), param(dict(regions="ISR", years="A"), marks=MARK[3]), ), ) def test_debug( test_context, tmp_path, build_kw, N_node, verbosity: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3] = 0, # NB Increase this to show more verbose output ): """Debug particular calculations in the transport build process.""" # Get a Computer prepared to build the model with the given options c, info = configure_build(test_context, tmp_path=tmp_path, **build_kw) # Construct a list of common checks verbose: dict[int, list["Check"]] = { 0: [], # Don't log anything. 1: [Log()], # Log 7 lines at the start/end of each quantity. 2: [Log(None)], # Log *all* data. This is produces GHA logs >1 GiB. 3: [Dump(tmp_path)], # Dump all data to a file. } common = [Size({"n": N_node}), NoneMissing()] + verbose[verbosity] # Insert key-specific and common checks k = "test_debug" result = insert_checks(c, k, CHECKS, common) # Show what will be computed if verbosity == 2: print(c.describe(k)) # Compute the test key c.get(k) assert result, "1 or more checks failed"