.. note:: This page is generated from inline documentation in ``MESSAGE/model_solve.gms``. Solve statement workflow ======================== This part of the code includes the perfect-foresight, myopic and rolling-horizon model solve statements including the required accounting of investment costs beyond the model horizon. Perfect-foresight model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the perfect foresight version of |MESSAGEix|, include all years in the model horizon and solve the entire model. This is the standard option; the GAMS global variable ``%foresight%=0`` by default. .. math:: \min_x \text{OBJ} = \sum_{y \in Y} \text{OBJ}_y(x_y) Recursive-dynamic and myopic model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the myopic and rolling-horizon models, loop over horizons and iteratively solve the model, keeping the decision variables from prior periods fixed. This option is selected by setting the GAMS global variable ``%foresight%`` to a value greater than 0, where the value represents the number of years that the model instance is considering when iterating over the periods of the optimization horizon. Loop over :math:`\hat{y} \in Y`, solving .. math:: \min_x \ \text{OBJ} = \sum_{y \in \hat{Y}(\hat{y})} \text{OBJ}_y(x_y) \\ \text{s.t. } x_{y'} = x_{y'}^* \quad \forall \ y' < y where :math:`\hat{Y}(\hat{y}) = \{y \in Y | \ |\hat{y}| - |y| < \text{optimization_horizon} \}` and :math:`x_{y'}^*` is the optimal value of :math:`x_{y'}` in iteration :math:`|y'|` of the iterative loop. The advantage of this implementation is that there is no need to 'store' the optimal values of all decision variables in additional reporting parameters - the last model solve automatically includes the results over the entire model horizon and can be imported via the ixmp interface.