Frequently asked questions ========================== What's included in a 'typical' |MESSAGEix| model? ------------------------------------------------- A typical |MESSAGEix| model instance is based on a suite of technologies such as power plants, which represent a reference energy system (RES). Each technology is characterised by its input and output commodities, costs (investment, fixed and variable components), and other technical/engineering parameters. The model minimizes the total system cost while meeting a given demand for energy services or commodities. Which policies and regulatory measures can be included? ------------------------------------------------------- The |MESSAGEix| framework can represent a wide range of mitigation options and policies to analyse transformation pathways. For example, bounds or taxes on emissions can be defined to shift the system towards a low-emission technology mix. Upper or lower bounds on deployment of new technologies can also be easily included. Answered elsewhere ------------------ - Under which license is |MESSAGEix| released? → see ```` or the :doc:`the documentation index `. - Can I use |MESSAGEix| for my own analysis? → see :doc:`notice`. - How can I contribute to the development of the |MESSAGEix| framework? → see :doc:`contributing`. - I have a question not answered here → see :doc:`the documentation index ` for information on the community mailing list.