Sharing publications, projects, and tools ***************************************** We invite you to share your publication, project, and/or tool created using the |MESSAGEix| framework. To do so, please first read the steps at :ref:`contrib-pr`. .. note:: If you are unfamiliar with development using Git and GitHub, you can instead `open an issue `_ containing all of the information mentioned below. In your branch/pull request, make the following additions: 1. **Add the citation** of your publication/project/tool to the file :file:`doc/references.bib`. Use BibTeX format. Give the entry a key like ``surname-2021``, using the lead author's name and the year of publication. 2. **Add a figure** representing your publication/project/tool in the directory :file:`doc/_static/usage_figures/`. If possible, construct the file name using either the BibTeX entry key (above) or the DOI. For example: the URL contains the DOI ``10.1016/j.scs.2021.103257``. Replace the ``/`` character with ``-``, and append the appropriate file extension for your image, like :file:`.jpeg`, :file:`.png`, etc. This might yield a file name like: :file:`doc/_static/usage_figures/10.1016-j.scs.2021.103257.jpeg` 3. **Add your publication/project/tool to the documentation sources**, specifically the existing file :file:`doc/usage.rst`. Use the existing entries as a template. - Use the same level of heading as the other entries in the same section. - For publications, use the full title as the heading. - Add your figure from (2) above with the ReST code like: .. code-block:: rest .. figure:: ../_static/usage_figures/your-pub-DOI.ext :width: 250px :align: right - Add the citation: .. code-block:: rest :cite:ct:`surname-2021` - In case of a publication, add bullet points to describe the spatial scope/resolution, keywords, and key ways in which |MESSAGEix| was used in the publication. - In case of a tool, add bullet points to describe the development goal and the key features, and link the code location (e.g. GitHub repository). If there is a publication that *describes* this tool, you can also include a citation per step (1) above and abstract (below). - Add the first max. 75 characters of the abstract/description of your publication/project/tool, followed by a link to an external location. .. code-block:: rest This paper analyses energy in Country X… `Read more →`__ - For publications, use the DOI URL if possible. - For tools, use the code or documentation URL.